By 2024, 70% of the enterprise transfers the workload to the cloud, but three-quarters of the enterprise is still unable to make suitable for their own circumstance of cloud strategy.

No matter what stage in the cloud journey, every enterprise need to develop a cloud strategy.Real cloud strategy need to be driven by the business, focus on the "content" and "reason", matching and business goals.

Although the enterprise organization is best can make the cloud strategy before using cloud technology, but it is very rare.Most enterprise organizations are set only after accumulated certain experience in cloud cloud strategy.Enterprise institutions, however, the sooner you come up with a strategy of cloud, can avoid the problem.

Gartner, a cloud strategy roadmap provides a feasibility insight, IT leaders to help them:

  • Learn the key stage of cloud strategy and milestones
  • To take action to adjust the target, planning and optimization strategy of cloud, and expand the scope of cloud strategy
  • To understand the cross functional team support the plan

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