Using Gartner benchmark and diagnostic tools, you can:

The performance of decision making and using the empirical data

Illustrate the rationality of the budget and expenditure, found that underinvestment will lead to the risk of the stages and quantify target rate and optimization

Advantage in key sectors, optimize costs and improve efficiency

Gartner, a benchmark

Using Gartner IT Score evaluation model of key functional departments of the benchmarking process and activities

Our powerful diagnostic tool that can help you to:

  • According to the need to customize your IT department performance comparison with the benchmark performance view.
  • To individual, team or a broader group of stakeholders, for the unit performance diagnosis.
  • Measure your functional maturity, focus on the activities of is very important to realize the goal of enterprise.
  • Performance gap - clear to be solved urgently to carry out the chart analysis, and to be Shared with business partners.

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