The power of digital transition

Metro South Health

Metro South Health as "a lifelong concern for patient welfare" as the vision, this means that it is necessary to establish a new operating model - at the right time, right place to provide precise and strict protection of data.Due to the floor in the project of digital medical and health services need guidance, the medical institutions turned to Gartner.

The key task

Metro South Health hope through the digital transformation to improve data access and improve operational efficiency, at the same time provide taking patients as the center of quality Health care services.

Gartner services

Gartner, a managing partner closely with major stakeholders, developing and implementing a series of methods for successful long-term doctor-patient interaction.In terms of technology investment and supplier communication, Gartner research, tools and trade exchange activities for the organizationDigital strategyProvided valuable insight and guidance.In addition, the knowledge base of Gartner, strategic framework and timetable and complete played a key role to the success of digital transformation.

Project performance

With the support of Gartner, Metro South Health success:

- completed its five hospital digitalization

- will the time three months;Due to know in advance the related technical risk and response, again to shorten the construction period of six months

- create new paperless environment, optimization services, improve the level of patient care

- Gartner IT leadership services to help you solve the urgent matter


Hospitals and health care


2.59 billion dollars


10001 +



Gartner IT leadership services to help you solve the urgent matter

Gartner, strategic planning and future planning for us to provide the valuable guidance, has enabled us to perfect the governance model, a shift from the traditional ICT governance mode comprehensive patient centered and results oriented modern mode

Michael Draheim

Devoted to Information Officer, Metro South Health